California Fig Panna Cotta

Servings: 8

By Chef Dena Marino, Miami, Florida


  • 1 cup California Dried Figs
  • 2 sheets gelatin
  • 1 cup heavy cream
  • 1 cup milk
  • ½ cup granulated sugar

Honey Whipped Cream

  • 1 cup whipping cream, chilled
  • honey; to taste
  • 8 amaretti cookies; for garnish

Nutritional Information

Nutrition Facts (Per Serving)

Calories 390 (59% from Fat); Total Fat 26g; Saturated Fat 15g; Trans Fat -0-g; Cholesterol 90mg; Sodium 65mg; Potassium 290mg; Carbohydrate 37g; Sugar 32g; Dietary Fiber 3g; Protein 4g

Daily Values

Vitamin A 20% Vitamin C 2% Calcium 10% Iron 4%


  1. Lightly oil eight 6-ounce custard cups or ramekins or one 1 quart mold; set aside. In small bowl, combine figs with warm water to cover; set aside until softened, about 15 minutes. Soften gelatin in warm water according to package directions.

  2. Combine cream, milk and sugar in 1 quart saucepan and heat to boiling over medium-high heat, stirring frequently. Meanwhile, turn figs and any remaining water into food processor or blender container; process until smooth purée.

  3. Stir fig purée into hot mixture and remove from heat. Add softened gelatin and stir until dissolved. Strain through mesh strainer. Divide and spoon into containers. Chill until set.

Honey Whipped Cream

  • Beat heavy cream in chilled mixing bowl until stiff peaks form. Add honey to taste, and store in refrigerator until ready to serve. Add amaretti to dry container of food processor or blender and process until coarse crumbs; set aside.

  • To serve

  • Gently unmold panna cottas and arrange on individual serving plates. Top with Honey Whipped Cream and cookie crumbs.