California Fig Croissants

14 croissants
Vanarin Kuch, Koffeteria,


Poolish and Laminating Butter

  • 75 grams Bread Flour
  • 75 grams Water
  • Pinch Instant Yeast
  • 454 grams Butter

Croissant with Poolish

  • 600 grams Whole Milk
  • 35 grams Instant Yeast
  • 125 grams Poolish
  • 1200 grams Bread Flour, high gluten
  • 60 grams Sugar
  • 25 grams Kosher Salt
  • 6 grams Malt Powder
  • 110 grams Unsalted Butter (83% fat), melted
  • 454 grams Laminating Butter

Pate Sucre (Butter Tart Dough)

  • 300 grams Unsalted Butter, softened
  • 225 grams Powdered Sugar
  • 500 grams All Purpose Flour
  • 40 grams Corn Starch
  • 70 grams Whole Eggs
  • 4 grams Kosher Salt

California Fig Jam

  • 330 grams California Fig Sugar (recipe below)
  • 300 grams Water
  • 250 grams California Dried Figs Paste
  • 727 grams Dr. Pepper
  • 2 each Lemons, zest and juiced
  • 20 grams California Dried Figs Juice Concentrate

California Fig Sugar

  • 200 grams Sugar
  • 100 grams California Dried Figs Powder


For the Poolish and Laminating Butter

  1. Mix flour and water with a pinch of yeast. Let sit covered for 12 hours.

  2. Soften butter in the microwave until pliable 30 secs. Roll between two parchment papers into a rectangle, 9 x 11 inches. Reserve somewhere cool. The texture before laminating is very important.

For the Dough

  1. Combine milk and yeast in a mixing bowl and whisk together to hydrate. Whisk in poolish. Put those at the bottom of the mixing machine.

  2. Add the bread flour, sugar, salt, and malt powder.

  3. Add in the melted butter. Use a dough hook to mix everything on speed 1 for 3 minutes. The dough will look choppy, let that bench rest for 20 minutes.

  4. Prep a cooling sheet pan. Wipe the inside of pan getting rid of any residue. Spray the sheet pan and dust with flour.

  5. Roll the dough into the same size as the sheet pan. Carefully transfer the dough onto the sheet pan, pushing the edges from the center to fully cover the entire sheet pan.

  6. Cover the dough in the sheet pan. Store in low boy or refrigerator for 30 minutes.

For the Laminate

  1. Flip the dough out and cut the rectangle in half. You are aiming to make it the size of the block of butter, 9 x 11 inches each.

  2. On the left half of the dough, add the butter block, and press the butter gently into the bottom dough.

  3. Place the right half of the dough on top and crimp the edges all around the rectangle.

  4. Use a rolling pin and start rolling the dough from a 9 x 11-inch rectangle to 9 x 26-inch rectangle.

  5. Cut ¼ inch off of both ends, then fold the dough into thirds. Let the dough rest in cooler for 20 minutes.

  6. With the flap facing upwards, roll dough until it is 9 x 26 inches. Fold the left portion onto the middle and fold the remaining right section over both the left and middle parts.

  7. Let the dough sit in the refrigerator for 20 minutes before shaping.

  8. Once dough has rested, roll to 30 inches long.

For the Shaping

  1. Cut all the edges off the laminated dough, using a pizza cutter.

  2. Marking the base for your butter croissants, cut 4-inch slits on top until you reach the edge.

  3. On the bottom, measure 2 inches away from the edge then start marking 4-inch slits (should be in the middle of the top slits).

  4. In an angle, to create a triangle, cut from top slit to center slit, and match with right slit to same middle slit.

  5. Roll the base, keeping the point in the center during the roll.

  6. Let proof in oven, for 1 hour, turned off with just the lights on and a bowl of warm water inside.

For the Baking

  1. Preheat a convection oven to 375ºF. Heat for 15 minutes before use.

  2. Turn down oven to 325ºF. Egg wash (equal parts egg yolk and whole egg) your butter croissants.

  3. Bake for 25 minutes, until golden brown.

For the Pate Sucre

  1. Mix all ingredients together in an electric mixer until there are no butter streaks.

  2. Roll into cylinder, about 4-inches in diameter, wrap in parchment paper, and store in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

For the California Fig Jam

  1. Mix all ingredients in a pot. Bring ingredients to a low boil.

  2. Let simmer until fig paste softens, 10 mins.

  3. Blend everything together until smooth, set aside.

For the California Fig Sugar

  • Whisk together in a bowl. Set aside until ready to use.

  • Assembly and Finishing

    1. Once butter croissants have cooled, slice in half lengthwise. For each croissant, pipe about 25 grams of California Fig Jam onto the bottom portion. Slice off about 50 grams of pate sucre. Cut the slice in half and place half over the jam. Alternatively you can pinch off the pate sucre and place it in small pieces. Add the top of the croissant. Pipe about 25 grams of California Fig Jam over the top of the croissant. Top with the other piece of pate sucre.

    2. Place back on a sheet pan and bake an additional 15 minutes.